
[4 Methods] Increase Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress

If you already tried to upload large media files to your WordPress website but failing with an error subject matter, it exceeded the maximum charge upload size. Therein case, You moldiness need to make increasedthe Maximum Filing cabinet Upload Size for your WordPress website. This guide on contains four different methods of resolving this error.

Almost all of us suffer seen this error message while uploading large files to our website. This is a standard error for a web developer, peculiarly if you produce a site with lots of media so much as Music, Videos, Images, Zip Files, etc. I can assure you that it's a super easy process to resolve this wrongdoing, even if you don't have technical knowledge.

This guide covers four different methods of increasing Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress. Not only WordPress site, but you can also follow this guide for any websites that run on Apache, NGINX or cPanel.

Why It's life-or-death to Increase Maximum File Upload Size

There is a size limit for uploading files to the hosting host by default. It's not WordPress that set this limit but your hosting provider. The maximum upload file size is a server-specialized stage setting. Therefore, it is capable your hosting provider. You can doh it quickly if you want to change the settings yourself.

Suppose you want to go steady your initial file upload sized limit lead over toAdd Current underMedia in your WordPress splasher's sidebar. You can see thatmaximum upload file size: 2 mb in the below example.

maximum upload file size 2 mb

Close to hosts set your limit to as low Eastern Samoa 2MB, and others limit it to 40 MB. Some hosts hand out a maximum of 150 MB. It is all dependent happening the host and the features they've definite to provide.

While the limit may be an obstacle for some users, IT serves an important reason. The fix on uploads buns prevent suspicious users from flooding your site with tumid files that could make your servers slow. Therein case, you May need to limit the upload size based on user roles.

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IT's decisive to Increase the Maximum File cabinet Upload Size if you want to upload a large file to your WordPress internet site. Now see all of the methods of resolving this error quickly.

4 Methods to Increase Utmost File Upload Size

So, how can you growth the maximum size up of your website's upload? There are four primary ways to accomplish this. Let's learn each of them individually.

Earlier that, information technology is essential to think back that each host functions differently. There is a hazard that one of these solutions aren't sympathetic with your service. I suggest trying one method on occasion until you mold the best cardinal for your requirements.

Add Some Codes into your website's .htaccess file.

The.htaccess file is a regnant website file that controls the superior configuration of your website. On servers that run Apache, the.htaccessfile allows you to make changes to your website's configuration without editing server configuration files.

We will add some pre-written codes into the .htaccess Indian file to resolve the Maximum File Upload Size of it outlet. The ThemeRapid team up tests all the codes present. You can add these codes to your.htaccess without any hesitation.

php_value upload_max_filesize 280M php_value post_max_size 280M php_value max_execution_time 300 php_value max_input_time 300          

You can redact your .htaccess file in multiple ways. The easiest way is to download and activate the File Manager plugin in your WordPress dashboard and stick to the instructions below.

Head over toWP File Manager from the left sidebar happening your WordPress dashboard. After clicking on the File Manager option, you will envision the settle directory of your website and the .htaccess filing cabinet as well. Barely right-click along the .htaccess file and select theCode Editor option. After that, re-create and paste the below encrypt just before the#END WordPress tag.

As you can see, we have typed the code to increase the Utmost File Upload Size equally per 280M. You can redact this cypher and write your requirements. If you want to limit the Maximum Charge Upload Sizing to 1G you can put 1024M instead of 280M.

Now spread the code before the#END WordPress tag and click on the SAVE &adenosine monophosphate; CLOSE option. Done! You good increased your Maximum File Upload Size demarcation. Now back to the media section and click on Add New. You should see the changes that you just made.

In our case, we practical for 280M, thusly our confine hyperbolic to 280MB, as you give notice see. This is the easiest way to increase theMaximum File Upload Size of it specify in WordPress. You tail end make out the duplicate process with the FTP file out editor.

The physical process is the same; you have to log in through an FTP client and edit the .htaccess lodge.

By creating or Redaction Your WordPress Site's php.ini File

This is almost the same operation as the .htaccess file cabinet method, and This method will also require you to use the File Manager Plugin to create php.ini in your root directory. Notwithstandin, you give birth to make a new register called php.ini in the origin directory where the .htaccess exists in this method.

This is also some other easy method acting to increase theMaximum File Upload Size bound in the WordPress website. All you make to bash is create a file called php.ini, which leave override your server's PHP configuration settings. One of those settings is your maximum upload size.

memory_limit = 128M upload_max_filesize = 128M post_max_size = 128M max_execution_time = 300          

You wear't need to have the technical noesis to do this. Suppose you know how to create and edit a file through WordPress File Manager. So let's get rolling on information technology.

In this method, head over to the WP File Manager option and create a new file, arsenic the above snapshot. The computer file nam should bephp.ini. After making the file, hit enter. After that, as before, right-penetrate on the php.ini file and superior theCipher Editor option.

Please written matter the above codes and paste them into thephp.ini file in andHold open & CLOSE. You will see a no-hit content. Finished! This is super simple. After that, you derriere agree your WordPress upload screen. The maximum upload file size should immediately be increased to 128 MB.

By Editing PHP Options connected cPanel (just for cPanel Users)

If your website is hosted on a shared hosting server using cPanel and you are familiar with cPanel, this method is for you. This is another relatively simple method to Increasethe Maximum Filing cabinet Upload Size limit. As we mentioned before, the maximum upload register size is a host-special setting.

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In this method acting, we will straightaway change the option ofupload_max_filesize using cPanel. Indeed you must have your cPanel access to stay on this cognitive process.

Firstly, log up in to your cPanel and search for PHP; in the peak seek bar, you will see an option titledSelect PHP Version. Detent on it and open the PHP Options.

After that, SelectOPTIONS, and you will see an selection at to bottom calledupload_max_filesize. Change the file size limit whatever you want. Boom! You have successfully increased the Upload File Size up limit.

This method could be an excellent option if you are a common hosting user and acquainted cPanel. On that point are other options for those users who do not own whatever technical knowledge, neither File Manager nor cPanel. We can't ring it a method just a TIP.

Contact Your Hosting Provider

Yes! Exactly, if you don't have whatsoever commercial knowledge, neither File Handler nor cPanel is the champion option for you. Go to your hosting provider and make over a support just the ticket to purpose this payof. You can contact them via Live Chat or a Hollo.

Eastern Samoa we mentioned in front, the maximum upload file size is a server-circumstantial scene. To create a support ticket Oregon directly impinging your hosting provider, they will resolve it for You.


I hope you guys can at once increase the Maximal Upload File Size in your WordPress website. These methods are a trifle bit tricky. Fortunately, you can get ahead it with a trifle routine of cipher or some help from your hosting provider.

This guide has discussed the four most straightforward ways to resolve the Maximal Upload File in Size issue.

  • Tot up Some Codes into your website's .htaccess File.
  • Make over php.ini File in the radical Directory
  • Enable PHP Pick on cPanel (only for cPanel Users)
  • Contact with the Hosting Provider

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[4 Methods] Increase Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress

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